0:00 - 24:00


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República Checa

provincia Ústí nad Labem
código postal 41002
Dalnice D8 - KM 44

Métodos de pago

Efectivo Pago con tarjeta DKV UTA

Otros servicios

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foursquare   google places 4.1

Combustible Precio
Super 95 42,14 CZK/l
Дизелово гориво Diesel 41,50 CZK/l
Газ Пропан Бутан LPG 16,41 CZK/l
Бензин А98 Super Plus 39,00 CZK/l

los precios fueron proporcionados por un usuario de Fuelo.net en 6.05.2024г. 18:52

Gruno Gans
Google Places© на 05.10.2022

Perfect stop, gas, coffee, service, prices a bit high but that is 2022 for you. Get used to it or bring your own stuff, czech Republic is not that cheap anymore, times are changing and the past is not coming back, unfortunately..

Kent Wang
Google Places© на 27.07.2022

Shower. But I didn't try it. Free toilet

George W. LutonSky
Google Places© на 06.07.2022

Servis area and gas station before Dresden

Antonio Cululejevic
Google Places© на 18.04.2022

The toilet was flooded and the whole floor was full of water from the toilet

Eugenia Pseriuc
Google Places© на 31.08.2021

I don't recommend this location. The staff make the law in this location, they didn't let us (like 6 women) to use the toilet. We waited like 10 minutes, she finish to clean up but we had to wait another 10 minutes and didn't open the toilet . The woman who make cleaning didn't speak nice with us and was very nervous. Was 5 a clock in the morning. I mentioned we was in transit and the bus refill the tank from the gas station.

Foursquare© на 04.11.2011

Nejlepší čerpací stanice v Česku. Příjemná obsluha, čerstvé občerstvení, čisto.

Dmitry I
Foursquare© на 05.08.2011

Very expensive place

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